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Having held over 25 annual recitals, Clarissa brings an ample amount of experience and training along with her and has the capability to teach students of all ages and levels. She has taught students who have not touched a piano in their lives to play difficult pieces by Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Tchaikovsky, and much more within a short time span. Clarissa also provides rates that are among the lowest of comparable teachers within the district. For rates, please contact Clarissa using the "Contact/Booking" tab.

Why Do We Teach Music?

Author Unkown


Not because we expect you to major in music

Not because we expect you to play or sing all your life

Not so you can relax

Not so you can have fun



So you will be human

So you will recognize beauty

So you will be sensitive

So you will be close to an infinite beyond this world

So you will have something to cling to

So you will have more compassion, more gentleness, more good,

in short - more life

Of what good will it be to make a prosperous living

Unless you know how to live?

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